In 1990 God showed Suri a vision about Europe. The same thing was confirmed through others through prophetic words. Soon after that vision, God miraculously brought Suri to Germany. When he went there, Suri was amazed to see the same exact place that God had shown him in the vision!
Since then many countries in Europe have opened up to the move of the Holy Spirit and our ministry. Some countries in Europe that we have ministered in are: England, Germany, France, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden and Norway.
Here are a few highlights from countries that we focus on a lot…..
In 1993 when God brought Suri to England, it was an introduction of his ministry as well as a demonstration of the Holy Spirit. He made contacts with different churches while he was there. He was able to minister in a Baptist Church and also was able to minister in a prison. He ministered also in a few YWAM (Youth With A Mission) bases. During this time, Suri was also a part of YWAM in England (West Sussex) for about one year. God used him in a few City Churches in the London area, which are connected with the Elim Churches.
Most recently Tammy & Suri went to England and ministered in 4 different churches (Anglican, City Church (St. Albans), Hatfield and a church in Potters Bar). Many people were more eager for the prophetic and Suri & Tammy were able to minister a lot to individuals in need of personal counsel and direction. The prophetic words were confirmed over and over again by all.
We believe that God has more things for us to do in England in these coming years!
When God brought to Suri to Germany for the first time, He opened up doors for him to minister in the Lutheran churches. God enabled him to share the truth of the Gospel as well as teach them from the Word of God about the Holy Spirit. Many young people wanted to hear this teaching again and again. A few pastors opened up their hearts and wanted personal ministry where Suri could talk with the pastors and minister one on one to them. Among them some of them were touched and also one of the main pastor’s hip was healed and God delivered him from depression as well. God manifested Himself so powerfully that many people got healed in various churches. An elderly woman who had twisted fingers and could not open them received total healing from the Lord. In the North of Germany, a woman who had a back problem and no feeling in her back, God miraculously healed her. In the same place, a German singer who had pain in his entire body for 10 years and couldn’t sleep, God healed him as well. Much more things happened. They are too numerous to tell.
In recent years God opened up many doors in different churches (Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran and Charismatic). God has been moving very powerfully in all of the meetings.
God has begun to use Tammy & Suri in more of the prophetic and series of teachings. Many people have been discipled, touched and directed by the Lord.
Sweden & Norway
Sweden and Norway are beautiful countries. The way God made these countries with lots of hills, lakes and greenery is just breathtaking! God used Suri to minister in many Baptist, Methodist and Lutheran as well as a few Pentecostal churches. God poured out his Spirit and he saw a lot of miracles and healings. In one of the Lutheran Bible School’s when he taught about spiritual warfare and ministered to the students, they were touched and healed.
The last few years, most of the churches that Suri has gone to they have begun to be revived and have growth take place. At least 2 churches saw immediate church growth and people began to come to their churches.
Both Suri & Tammy have ministered together in Sweden the past 2 years. It has been incredible to see the hunger in the Swedish people’s hearts for more of God. One of the churches has redone their church and has had to expand because of the increase in members. Praise the Lord!
